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Security User Awareness Training

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Remote \ Onsite

Service Description

The world's largest library of well over 1000+ security awareness training content items; including interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters - with the Diamond level you get frequent, new fresh content. Translated phishing and training content in 30+ languages across phishing and training content, with support for localized learner experience in select languages. On-demand, engaging, interactive browser-based training FEATURES The updated learner experience offers optional gamification, with leaderboards and badges, to incentivize and motivate users to take their assigned training Localized training interface option for your users! Currently available in 20+ local languages, your users can choose the language they are most comfortable with, helping deliver a more immersive training experience Create multiple training campaigns as ongoing or with a completion date. NEW! Assessments help you identify users that have a higher proficiency in security in not only knowing the right thing to do but also actually doing the right thing as part of the security culture you’re trying to achieve in your organization. Automate enrollment and follow-up emails to “nudge” users Allows you to create an effective “Human Firewall” Hosted in our Cloud LMS, run the course in your own Learning Management System, or delivered as a Managed Service Hints & Tips Security Awareness emails for compliance Point-of-failure training auto-enrollment Within one account, you can have multiple allowed domains (e.g. com, net, .org) and users can sign up with any of the domains associated to an account Industry's largest full-time content development staff: 40+ people Visible training results: Phish-prone percentage™ for whole organization graphed over time in your console for reporting Enhanced Training Campaigns with "relative enrollment duration" feature Certificate printing where users can view/download/print their own certificates after completing a course Automatic SCORM delivery via console if you use your own LMS. Upload Your Own Content! You now have the option to upload your own SCORM-compliant training and video content in any language you choose, directly into your KnowBe4 account - at no extra cost! Extend training deadlines for overdue users.

Contact Details


2819 West March Lane, Stockton, CA, USA

 Officeperfect Inc.


                      Corporate Mailing Address                                  2819 W March Lane Suite 149  Stockton, CA 95219

Atlanta – Boston – Chicago –Los Angeles– Phoenix- New York - Seattle– San Francisco – San Diego – Wash DC

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